Cinders and Wasatch Witches

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Just a quick announcement that I’ve got another story up at Every Day Fiction. This one is called “Cinders” and it’s a twisted take on the Cinderella story. Since it’s flash fiction, I don’t think I can say much more about it without spoiling it. One commenter called it “Clever! very enjoyable read.” Another commenter stated, “I must salute the total genre subversion.” Read it yourself and give it a good rating if you like it!

Also, the Kickstarter for an upcoming anthology I’m in has just launched. It’s titled Wasatch Witches: A Collection of Utah Horror. The inspiration for my story “Unfruitful Works” was basically “mimes are creepy” and I went from there. The story is about a woman with telekinetic powers and let’s just say she decides not to use her powers for good. There are many other stories from other writers as well, including some in which the witch is the hero. You’ll be wondering which witch is which! (Sorry, I can’t resist a good pun.)

Be sure to check out the rewards for backing the project. If you’re an Early Bird backer, you can get a couple of my eBooks, Pioneer Day and Sin Lieth at the Door, along with books from other authors included in the anthology. You can also get copies of earlier anthologies of Utah Horror, a rune reading, a tarot reading, and more!